Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 88

  • 20.1.2022

    Geliştirici araçları’ndan “switch to new design"ı açarsanız ayarlarınızı yedekleme gibi özelliklerin de olduğu yeni tasarıma geçiyor. gayet iyi.

  • 19.1.2022

    Like the customization options a lot; I was able to use them to reduce the contrast between the text and the black background, making long-form reading much easier on my eyes. Some of the websites I visit often get a bit funky (in terms of UX) when it’s turned on, but it’s so easy to toggle on and off that it’s not a big deal.

  • 19.1.2022

    Here in mid January 2022 and the extension works great! I tried so many other extensions and am so glad I found this one finally. 10/10 do recommend.

  • 18.1.2022

    Been looking for a product like this for a while and it also lets you customize based on website via the dev tool. My eyes are very grateful as I stare at a screen for over 12 hours a day and the white backgrounds got to be too much.

  • 18.1.2022

    Good stuff. Darkens most pages which is handy if the bright whte light bothers your eyes, also looks cool

  • 18.1.2022

    It is fantastic at turning all elements in a web page to a darker version. This can sometime grab too much and mess up the design of some pages, but it’s very quick toggle so you can see what the page intended to look like, realize it’s blinding and the pictures or what have you are only okay, and then immediately bail back to the dark realm you’ve become accustomed to. I love it, you may as well.

  • 18.1.2022

    4 Millionen Nutzer sprechen schon eine starke Sprache für sich. Dies ist mit weit großem Abstand die beste Dark Mode Erweiterung! Ich hab ca.120 Darkmode Erweiterung auf „Herz und Nieren“ getestet und ich muss sagen, dies ist die Beste, aber warum denke ich dies? Auf vielen Seiten werden Banner, Icons und diverse Schaltflächen, einfach nicht richtig und vernünftig, mit vielen Darkmode Erweiterungen, angezeigt. Hier lassen sich solche Probleme immer umgehen! Wenn nicht, über die „Schieberegler“ dann spätestens mit einem CSS Stylesheet! Dadurch lässt sich jeder „Darkmode simulieren!“ Vielen Dank für diese, Erweiterung! P.S es lohnt sich in CSS Scripting einzulesen und das zu Lernen, gerade wenn man ein „Design Opfer“ wie ich es bin ist ;)

  • 17.1.2022

    Only extension I’ve found in a long time that actually changes the appearance of my Docs files and not just the background and UI. Also really like the ability to change everything with sliders and even just use a warm tint to filter the blue light instead of blacking out everything. Ingenious.

  • 17.1.2022

    . + Simple than others + Faster than others + Working on all sites ——————————————————– - In some sites losing colors contrast may causes some issues ================================= Comment: It’s better than lot of extension for me.

  • 17.1.2022

    This extension is my Hero!!! Thank you developer ~~!! I use several extension like this. but this extension is best!! Thankyou@