Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 342

  • 26.2.2018

    Best Dark/Night mode extension I’ve ever used. All the others re trash compared to this one in my opinion.

  • 26.2.2018

    Fantastic extension! Works great and I love that there’s a whitelist that I can add sites that already have a dark mode to.

  • 26.2.2018

    Installed this extension, and went around checking sites I tend to use. Imgur looks nicer, Twitter is oh so smexy dark, Reddit looks lovely… and I even tried my own site and it actually looks great! 10/10 cannot fault it.

  • 25.2.2018

    Love the extension in my short time with it so far, improves upon the flaws of the other extensions out there. The suggestion to use website specific addons in scenarios where they would be better suited is also much appreciated.

  • 25.2.2018

    After having just uninstalled the extension I’ve been using for dark mode because it made the colour of text too dark and thus unreadable, I found this. I’ve only used it for about 5 minutes so far but I’m already in love. So far I haven’t encountered any issues, my eyes are happy.

  • 25.2.2018

    Where every other Night Mode extension messes with the colour of thumbnails and images on social media, Dark Night Mode cleanly and efficiently darkens web pages without effecting the content. It’s fantastic. “It’s the hero Chrome deserves, but not the one it needs right now. It’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector.”

  • 25.2.2018

    Works perfect everywhere I go. As someone who prefers dark mode 24/7, this plugin has changed my internet browsing for the better

  • 24.2.2018

    сделаю надстройку над вашим плагином, чтобы “темный” был более темным. Комментариями ниже вы говорили, что будет какая-то кастомизация и т.д. Занимаетесь или отложили до когда-нибудь?)

  • 18.2.2018

    I was using the Dark Reader extension (very similar functionality) for a long time, but I noticed it was REALLY SLOWING down Chrome. Came looking for an alternative and found this. ALL THE FUNCTIONALITY, NONE OF THE SLOWNESS!! THANKS SO MUCH!!

  • 17.2.2018

    Really good extension, one of the best of it’s kind. Tried it before, but some issues were preventing me from using it as default; However, trying it again today, after many updates, they’ve seemed to have improved significantly. For me, It still garbles the text on (FB’s) Messenger on default, but since now they’ve added per-site customization, it’s really easy to fix and customize it on a per-website basis, in case your settings break something, you can then adjust it. Dark Reader works better then most ‘web darkners’ I’ve seen, and I believe it is also lighter. Apparently on my laptop the text-garbling issue does not appear, but it does on my Desktop. First noticed it many many months ago, and just had a fresh Win 10 install, so that can’t be it. Maybe AMD drivers? Maybe intel iGPU? No idea. Have been trying to troubleshoot but not much luck so far. Laptop runs under intel iGPU; Desktop, under AMD’s RX480. (Apparently it makes the font slightly ‘bold-er’, in a way.)