Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 338

  • 27.4.2018

    It gets the job done perfectly! Very useful especially when you don’t want to get blind at night with the eye-popping white theme sites like Facebook.

  • 27.4.2018

    Absolutely brilliant! I love the fact that you can quickly turn it off and on using the shortcut cmd+1 (for mac users). It is useful as there are websites I need to look as they are.

  • 27.4.2018

    Everyone ignore the low rating. It was negatively affected by one person who had bot accounts. This extension works great; nearly everywhere I visit is a nice shade of black that never hurts my eyes during prolonged use.

  • 27.4.2018

    PT-BR: na minha opinião, ele cumpre o que promete, e não vem com nenhum problema/virus EN: in my opinion, it works as it’s intended to, and it doesn’t come with any malware and such. Good job devs

  • 25.4.2018

    Спасибо большое друг, дико удобно что все это по одному клику на иконке расширения и включается и выключается, 5 звезд без сомнений

  • 24.4.2018

    Работает куда лучше чем Stylish и GetStyles :) Только я хочу чтобы разработчик сменил цвет верхней панельки на синий как в обычной )

  • 21.4.2018

    Perfectly executed. This is exactly what I was looking for, and it has a clean, simple interface. What really sets this Night Mode extension apart for me is that it differentiates between a site’s bottom layer background and element/object backgrounds. Open up Facebook for a great example: The bottom layer is a very dark gray and posts have their own background that is a slightly less dark gray. This allows the site to retain its structure and maintain a very appealing visual depth. When everything on a page is the exact same color, it is too flat!

  • 20.4.2018

    Отличное решение для тех, у кого глаза устают от светлых тонов. Сижу за компом по большей части вечером/ночью и темная тема мне очень зашла. Спасибо разработчикам!

  • 19.4.2018

    Очень хорошая тема. Есть просьба к автору: Прошу рассмотреть возможность сделать цифру - счетчик сообщений в диалогах белой, а не синей. Темно-синюю цифру не видно на черном фоне.

  • 17.4.2018

    I love this extension. Works really well, but I can’t seem to find the whitelist mentioned in the description of the tool. Options only has style changes in there. It doesn’t seem to handle transparency well either and it messes quite a bit with user made CSS (subreddit styles) but I’m already nitpicking at this point. EDIT: With a bit of messing around, I finnaly found it. You can exclude a site by right clicking and choosing the exclude from dark mode option. Great stuff. I do advice disabling ALL custom dark mode styles though, they don’t work most of the time since sites change a lot. EDIT 2: I can’t find how to reenable Dark mode on some sites after I exclude them. :/