Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 336

  • 2.6.2018

    I`m a developer. I’ve found that works on every doc pages - php, github,apache. That’s enough to 5-star it for me

  • 31.5.2018

    Расширение крутое. Очень нравится! Правда есть косяки. Например, тема не распространяется на “Ссылки на беседу”. Там белый фон и текст немного плывет. Надеюсь такие баги будут поправлены в этом, и в других местах. Спасибо

  • 29.5.2018

    Without any doubt the finest web page/Chrome browser darkening app out there. Not only does it darken, or blackout, the white backgrounds, but it doesnt invert any colors, which most other similar apps and extensions do. Also, the brightness featurer is absolutely brilliant! Now you can adjust the brightness of unaffected backgrounds and video screens, so that they can be toned down and adjusted easily to compliment the app’s darkening feature. I only wish there were a way to donate, quite simply, this extension deserves as much recognition as it can get. Take note you bloggers and tech writers. Oh, and before I finish, the smaller, uncustomizable scroll bar is NOT a big deal in my opinion, in fact, I like the slim look. Thank you so much for this Chrome browser web page darkener, it was a long awaited Godsend for poor, tired eyes.

  • 29.5.2018

    My only issue with this extension is that the scrollbar becomes small, but that’s hardly an issue. I’ve tried other dark modes, and I had to get rid of Magic Actions for Youtube due to it now being a malware-infested application, and Iridium’s “Dark Mode” only works on ITS OWN website, not on Youtube itself. There’s a “Dim The Lights” application I believe, which honestly does not work well in my opinion. Dark Night Mode works beyond Youtube, for places like Flight Rising and even Pony Town, though it causes lag on that website slightly. Nonetheless, it saves my tired eyes when I want to pop on a video at night and surf the web a little without hurting myself.

  • 28.5.2018

    The best part of this extension is Invert #5. This alone without any of the customization options is more than enough.

  • 28.5.2018

    Отличная тема. ВК обрёл такую приятную черноту. Всё работает, никакого замедления в работе не заметил. в ВК захожу восновном вечером, по этому и для глаз приятнее. Всё просто шикарно! Спасибо, тем офигенная!!!

  • 26.5.2018

    Exactly what I was looking for, and works way better than the invert style plugin I had used. Thanks!

  • 22.5.2018

    Всё отлично , но есть одна проблемка. Стикеры с чёрным текстом плохо видно, можно окошко со стикерами сделать более светлым примерно таким [Silver] [C0 C0 C0] [192 192 192]

  • 18.5.2018

    Awesome, it did what it was supposed to do, it’s easy to customize brightness. Would recommend to anyone looking for a less eye straining browsing experience!

  • 18.5.2018

    Just perfect! Every update is better. Impossible to live without. People: give it a try! and, if you like, donate! I did. This is one of the few cases where really worth it!