Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 330

  • 31.7.2018

    Плагин супер. Надо его вживить в вк по дефолту. Ночью очень удобно, глаза не выедает, да и днем его использую, молодцы ребята.

  • 31.7.2018

    I was using Dark Mode by Grephy, and not trashing on it but I had trouble with the whitelist working. I switched to Super Dark Mode and it’s soooo much better! The whitelist is much easier to use with a right-click action instead of having to go into options and type the web address. And when I whitelist a site here…IT WORKS! ChromeExtension is a great dev. I’d give you ten stars if I could for this! It’s helping my laptop battery last longer between charges too, which is the original reason I was looking for a dark mode extension so win-win all around! THANK YOU!

  • 30.7.2018

    Genial, excelente, probé otras y esta sin dudas es la mejor. Funciona en toda web y deja videos y fotos tal cual.

  • 29.7.2018

    Хорошая штука. Было бы замечательно, если бы вы добавили возможность автоматической смены темы по времени.

  • 28.7.2018

    This is great–really helps with screen-related headaches and fatigue I experience due to a traumatic brain injury. I would ask that you keep colors inverted in Google Docs, as that is one of my main uses for the extension. At the least, preserve Docs inversion as an option

  • 28.7.2018

    MORE THAN PERFECT extension. Thank you for this great extension,this is what I was looking for. My eyes are safe now.

  • 27.7.2018

    Разработчик, который сделал это приложение - ты огонь! Я так долго искал такое приложение, и наконец нашёл!

  • 26.7.2018

    I love the actual function of this addon. Just wish my performance wouldn’t suffer as much. When I got it disabled I load pages so much faster. edit: I disabled some more add-ons that I never use and the performance is much better.

  • 26.7.2018

    Aplicação muito boa. A leitura fica melhor e eu posso selecionar sites para desativar a extensão. Além disso, o sistema possui várias configurações de brilho, cor, etc.

  • 24.7.2018

    I just found out recently about this extension, and I encourage everyone to use it, it’s totally worth it.