Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 328

  • 17.8.2018

    The thought of ever having to browse the web without this extension fills me with existential dread. Life changing.

  • 16.8.2018

    Works like a dream. A great extensions for people who need to use the internet all of the time, such as computer programmers. It really helped with my headaches. great extension!

  • 16.8.2018

    Ok, I don’t write a lot of reviews, but this app addon is great. I use dark themes everywhere that are available, but pages like youtube and a few of my regulars have white backgrounds with no option for a dark theme. This addon is easily one of my favorite, configurable aswell on a per page base. Check it out, it’s pretty awesome

  • 16.8.2018

    Absolutely incredible extension. Looking at a computer for 8+ hours a day now just got a lot easier on the eyes. and its FREE!!!

  • 16.8.2018

    I’ve tried many dark mode extensions, but this one is the best so far. Besides that, the support was fantastic. I had an issue with a website that was not properly converted so I contacted the team. They fixed it in couple of hours - wow!

  • 15.8.2018

    Классная тема, ничего лишнего только делает всё серым, использую около года на разных ПК проблем не видел…

  • 12.8.2018

    This is absolutely amazing. I kept thinking it would mess up and go from black to white on dark themed websites, but it seems like it takes even that into account and does not invert the colours. a veritable godsend for my eyes. thank you.

  • 12.8.2018

    Best dark displayer extension. The darkness by itself saves my eyes and does not look horrific like other night mode extensions. There is slider to adjust brightness, contrast,sepia and grayscale which is a plus.

  • 11.8.2018

    спасибо вам огромное, что вы есть!!! очень нравятся цветовой фон, что именно не чисто чёрный, а тёмный, всё очень удобно и глазу приятно! и при свете и в тёмное всё отлично видно и читабельно… вы молодцы!!!

  • 10.8.2018

    Приятно выглядит, не режет глаз и идеально сочетается с тёмной темой самого Хрома. Из замечаний бывали местами белые пробелы в виде полос в некоторых видимо не продуманных местах. Напишу если смогу уточнить где эти полосы конкретно.