Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 326

  • 1.9.2018

    its the only extension that does this to my knowledge. you can turn it on and off easy and whitelist sights. its simple and perfect for me

  • 1.9.2018

    Тема приятная для глаз, не слишком темная, но и не белая, глаза отдыхают. Глюков вроде бы нет. Только иногда сложно увидеть если сообщение не прочитано, желательно чтобы оно было помечено полосой не еще темнее, а наоборот посветлей

  • 30.8.2018

    I have tried a bunch of dark-mode plugins, and this seems to be the best all-purpose one by far. If you use Reddit, it recommends you install RES and deploy their Night Mode scheme for Reddit, whitelisting Reddit on Dark Night. Dark Night’s look on Reddit is a little visually distracting, so RES wins out in that narrow niche lol. But the plugin literally tells you about this when you click the icon while browsing reddit so it’s being a mensch either way. ;D My eyes are very happy now. :D

  • 27.8.2018

    Excellent app for dark mode on all webpages. On some sites it won’t work too well, but that’s going to be around 4% of all sites.

  • 27.8.2018

    Finally a dark theme enforcer for white webpages! No more blinding strong white webpages! but funny enough, it doesn’t darken chrome web store.

  • 27.8.2018

    This is great.. but im having doubts as to why it doesn’t have too much stars… i don’t know… is there a virus or something? but anyways this is good.

  • 26.8.2018

    Дизайн очень приятен для глаза и очень стильный) Интерфейс очень удобен. Отличная тема, как раз для меня :)

  • 26.8.2018

    Amazing night mode extension. Tried a ton of them and worked with Deluminate for a while but couldn’t get it to work well on one website I use extensively. It also makes text much more readable than I had with Deluminate. I’m slowly switching over to Night Eye …

  • 26.8.2018

    Used for years. Was great until it stopped working altogether.///EDIT: removed and reinstalled it, that brought it back.

  • 23.8.2018

    BEST DARK MODE EVERRRRRR. Was it renamed from “Dark Web” Extension?? Cuz it got removed from my extensions a few days ago and I panicked cuz I couldn’t find one as good as Dark Web. This turned out to be the exact same thing however! THANKS A TON. YOU’RE SAVING MY EYES AND MY LIFE.