Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 325

  • 13.9.2018

    I got this because I have my google calendar up a lot and it’s SO bright. It looks so cool with the dark mode. I had to turn it off on some of my work sites because it didn’t look the greatest on their cheaply made sites and gmail because it takes FOREVER to load, but I love the way it looks in my calendar, google search results page, and a few other sites. I donated $10 so that they can keep it going.

  • 11.9.2018

    Как же он прекрасен, этот Дарк Ридер! Его можно настроить в холодных или тёплых тонах, и здесь наконец-то нормально работает яркость и контрастность. Спасибо)

  • 11.9.2018

    самое лучшая темная тема,, прочел отзывы они вообще не соответствуют на критику темы ,,, установил спасибо разработчикам лайк с меня

  • 9.9.2018

    Usei diversas extensões com o mesmo propósito mas essa está perfeita… melhor que a Stylish. Funciona em qualquer website e não pesa eles tacando uma máscara por cima para escurecer… ele meche apenas nas cores e inverte o que tem que ser invertido para ficar melhor a leitura e tirar o fundo que está te incomodando(no caso páginas de fundo branco é incomodam demais). Essa extensão é muito funcional, acho que é a extensão mais funcional junto com adblock(que tenho que parar de usar porque mal acostumei com ela). Nunca deixarei mais de usar ela. Não preciso nem mais por as páginas com fundo preto, ela faz isso em todas pra mim.

  • 9.9.2018

    Когда вк беллый в сообщениях ели видно прочитал ли собеседник твое сообщение, а с этим плагином теперь хорошо видно + оно простое.

  • 6.9.2018

    *The info below no longer applies. The developer contacted me and I was able to resolve the issue. Works great now, probably the best one I’ve used and I’ve tried a lot. The option to only change settings for 1 specific site isn’t working. It changes the settings app-wide. Text highlighting is near impossible to see without changing settings, but since it looks different based on the site this is an extreme hassle. I contacted the company weeks ago about the issue, and while I do not expect it to be resolved by now, some form of contact acknowledging my issue was expected but not received. In addition, many websites look quite bad with the theme, but that is expected with so many websites designed in various manners.

  • 4.9.2018

    Великолепное приложение, теперь глазоньки не устают, вк стал в разы приятнее на вид, да и более стильный. С черными темами для дискорда, ютуба, твича и прочих сервисов как-то странно выделялся всегда белый вк, но теперь эта проблема решена. Всех подсадила на это расширение, долой светлые цвета, мы на темной стороне!)))

  • 3.9.2018

    Vraiment pas mal du tout. Il manquerait juste une option pour l’activer de manière globale sur une plage horaire comme le fait vivaldi pour les thèmes

  • 2.9.2018

    Muito bom, pra ficar perfeito poderia adicionar uma opção para o usuário definir qual cor quer na fonte do site. Mas estão de parabéns!!

  • 1.9.2018

    I was using Care Your Eyes before this extension, but it randomly hid the links on the side panel on YouTube, I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. So now I’m using this extension, seems to work great. It doesn’t invert the color of images at all which is awesome.