Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 320

  • 17.10.2018

    было бы идеально добавить возможность вручную включать приложение для определенных сайтов, а не наоборот отключать. с ютубом вообще странно работает. с вк есть пара косяков. но в целом збс

  • 16.10.2018

    This add-on is useful not only for simple color reversal but also for setting brightness and contrast for normal bright screens. このアドオンは単純な色反転だけでなく、通常の明るい画面に対しても明るさやコントラストの設定ができるので重宝します。

  • 16.10.2018

    Oh I love this. This is an amazing app. It looks beautiful on every website, and does not make it look bad, or mess up the website. My only thought is that it takes pretty much every white, and then makes it dark grey, so places like Google Docs the paper is grey, but now you can download Google Docs to your computer, and have it look normal. I love this app though. Super amazing,

  • 13.10.2018

    Расширение огонь, цвета очень приятные и глаза не устают, лайки сами собой не ставятся где попало и музыка тоже отлично работает)) Но есть одна маленькая проблема с включенным расширением, не возможно писать статьи, весь текст, кроме заголовков белого цвета, жить можно, но приходится включать/выключать расширение, не удобно, а в остальном как часы, спасибо за такую прелесть))

  • 13.10.2018

    Does an amazing job making websites dark without breaking them. This is a godsend to a person on night shift who spends all week on night shift schedule for sleep maintenance. To the devs: THANK YOU!

  • 11.10.2018

    Essential, sensational, about-time-somebody-did-this-right, must-have app!!!! Wow, what a relief on my poor tired eyes, and the photos remain normal photo while the belligerent WHITE goes restful BLACK! What a relief! I will definitely subscribe when my trial is up. Thank you RAZORlabs, BIG TIME THANK YOU! Please make an Android version ASAP, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!

  • 11.10.2018

    Best dark mode plugin I’ve used so far. Really great at intelligently darkening only the parts of the screen which should be darkened. Really easy to toggle on/off for specific sites too.

  • 11.10.2018

    Великолепная работа! Если бы Вы смогли добавить не масштабирование, а именно увеличение размера шрифта - ЦЕНЫ БЫ ВАМ НЕ БЫЛО!!! :)

  • 10.10.2018

    I love it! Such a awesome tool!!! The color of dark mode seems working perfectly and beatifully for the websites I visit daily, making it a treat to burn the midnight oil occasionally.

  • 10.10.2018

    This one works remarkably well! I had tried about a dozen of the top dark readers, and there is always a site or two, that just doesn’t display well. This one seems to work well with all of them - even the difficult ones. Try it! BTW, I haven’t got a clue as to why it has only 3stars on average. Perhaps that is heavily weighted by a previous version? What I’m experiencing is just great! And guys, don’t shoot down a place because one passenger is uncomfortable - there is no such thing as one-size fits all. But as far as I’m concerned, so far, everything is displaying great! (autumn 2018)