Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 312

  • 11.12.2018

    El de más baja calificación pero, el único que me funciono como quería. Me puso el fondo en negro el texto en blanco.

  • 11.12.2018

    Спасибо, все дело рук не доходило, а тут… именно то что мне было нужно, отличное расширение, успехов и еще раз спасибо!!!

  • 10.12.2018

    Тема оч клёвая, главный плюс, не режет глаза ночью. Да и в целом очень приятная на вид, недочетов не увидел, все супер.) Так держать.)

  • 10.12.2018

    Тема, без которой я теперь не могу жить. Когда включаю на оригинальный вк, то аж глазам ужасно неприятно становится - как всё ярко.Да и ночью теперь намного комфортней сидеть. Спасибо~

  • 9.12.2018

    After using this for six months, I feel like I give it a proper rating. To sum up, its incredibly easy to use, works like a charm and it’s one of the few extensions that I will never delete. It’s essential, especially for a student like me who is on my device to late at night. I’ve tried a few other dark readers, but those are either incredibly basic or clunky to use or both. When you click on the dark reader button, a mini window where you can adjust the settings pop up. The thing I like is the window is simple but polished, and it has a lot of options- you can change the contrast, brightness, sepia, and grayscale. There is also a “dark” option which is essentially black, and a “light” option that also makes it easier on the eyes, which is a beige-ish color screen. You can adjust the screen settings with different filters, so there is room for lots of variation. You can save sites that you want to be default dark the next time you visit, or vice versa It works on all sites that I’ve been going on, but one thing that it won’t work on is most of the chrome pages, e.g. settings, web store, history, or your search result pages. So if you add to chrome and it isn’t working on this page, don’t panic. Another thing is sometimes it takes a few seconds longer for the page settings to apply, but that should be obviously expected and it only takes from around 2-5 seconds most of the time. The last thing I should note is that it might interfere with how smoothly a site is running sometimes-once I had it on while I was scrolling on the Apple website, which has graphics that pop up and change as you scroll but they were glitching so I turned dark reader off. That could have also been my crappy wifi, so I’m not sure. But bottom line is-if you don’t have this extension, I really recommend you get it. It’s really helpful.

  • 8.12.2018

    This add-on helps so much when I get to web pages that are absolutely not dyslexia friendly. It helps me read long documents that were once too bright to look at for more than 2 minutes.

  • 8.12.2018

    В целом все отлично, но почему-то она есть не везде. В разделе “Разработчикам” тема остается старая. Доработайте, пожалуйста.

  • 7.12.2018

    Now with Dark Mode added to Windows Explorer, the development workflow is all black for the first time in history! I can also enjoy sites like Stackoverflow and Google in dim environments, and I can go as dark as I desire… and feast my eyes upon the sacred Dark Spreadsheets as long as I want without my eyes bleeding out. Once you go black, you never go back!

  • 7.12.2018

    Perfecto, muy útil y recomendable. En sólo he encontrado un par de sitios en los que no renderiza bien el fondo oscuro, la de bitbucket y la de aurgi. El resto, perfecto.

  • 6.12.2018

    Это просто невероятно круто!!! Создателям огромное спасибо! Я бы добавил автопереключение в зависимости от заданного времени. на пример с 9 утра до 21 вечера, обычная тема, а с 22 до 9 утра ночная! Что бы руками не переключать!