Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 306

  • 28.1.2019

    Отличное приложение,давно не хватало этой темноты в вк на компьютере,хотя на телефоне она есть,это расширение стало спасением для моих глаз,спасибо

  • 26.1.2019

    Excellent extension, I use it a lot. I use a dark theme for my desktop so it’s blinding when you browse to a website with a full white background. When you think about it the effect of a mainly white screen is to cause the iris in your eye to contract making it harder to read the black writing; whoever decided that was the standard for the web needs to wise up. This is the best extension I have found for inverting your screen, most of them make parts hard to read but Dark Reader nearly always creates a very readable page. As a developer I read a lot of on-line manuals and find light text on a dark background is not only better for my eyes but faster to read. Kudos to the developers, I’m sure it took a lot of hard work, now I’m going to donate to them, they deserve it.

  • 25.1.2019

    super cool mais il faudrait qu ils trouvent un accord avec google pour qu il puisse le faire partout sur la page

  • 25.1.2019

    Even though Dark Night Mode has simpler adjustments, it gives better-looking results and the effect is more comfortable for my eyes. I find Dark Reader harsher, in comparison (and that even after adjusting brightness, contrast, etc)

  • 25.1.2019

    Very useful but currently it doesn’t work offline, though the Firefox version just work, hope you would improve this feature

  • 25.1.2019

    мне понравилось. вот бы все страницы были тёмные и при чтении не резали глаза. почему блин разработчики этим не озабочены непонятно. спасибо за то, что вы помогаете бороться с этим досадным недостатком и не так устают глаза теперь.

  • 24.1.2019

    Awesome… just awesome! Found your post on reddit. Thanks! This is so much better than any other dark mode extension.

  • 23.1.2019

    Great extension! Helps me a lot with reading. The “Site List” feature is great, that way i can exclude from inversion sites with dark theme! Just Brilliant!

  • 23.1.2019

    Works on all sites and doesn’t cover video players like other extensions would; and it’s free, which is a big thing for me.

  • 22.1.2019

    Works really well on most web pages. It does have an issue with web page banners on most websites that have one however, but the dark theme is definitely worth losing the banner image(as long as the image isn’t important). Excellent extension though!