Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 305

  • 1.2.2019

    Unbelievably good customer service. I was having trouble activating my account, so I submitted a ticket through the in-extension “support chat” feature. That happened at 11:01 AM. An actual human being responded to my message at 11:07 AM - that’s right, SIX MINUTES later - acknowledging the issue was on their end and promising that they would be updating the entire extension (!!!) later that day to address my problem. At 12:09 PM, I received another message from the support team stating that the fix had been released and I should update the extension in my browser. Sure enough, an update to v3.03 was available and totally fixed my problem. This is easily the most impressive customer service experience I’ve had with any software product, ever.

  • 1.2.2019

    Excellent extension. Cant work well for every site because every site was built differently. Works on most sites I use perfectly. Does it’s job, has custom options, whitelists and more. Also good for your eyesight.

  • 1.2.2019

    Its the perfect Dark Mode Extension - download it now. You can schedule for Dark mode and adjust it to fit your lifestyle on the web. It makes no sense why this extension plugin is down voted, it’s so much easier on the eyes. The team who created this plugin are awesome, thanks for your work on this plugin We all appreciate your skill, dedication and hard work.

  • 31.1.2019

    Дня три привыкал я этому безобразию. Несколько раз срывался даже. Но теперь не могу понять, как иначе. Для всех, кто много здесь проводит жизни.

  • 30.1.2019

    La aplicación esta genial, pero tiene un Bug. El Bug consiste en que en YouTube al estar activada la extensión y reproducir se superpone la barra de desplazamiento en el video.

  • 30.1.2019

    So far so good. makes everything very nice and easy to see. I’ll change my review should my opinion chagne but nice app.

  • 30.1.2019

    DarkReader is awesome in every aspect of the Reader concept, you guys have really made web browsing so easy for me. I dont have to depend on the individual Dark Mode Feature from the website now. It renders the information smoothly and shows all important content properly.

  • 29.1.2019

    Надоело чувствовать резь в глазах из-за чрезмерно яркого, слепящего глаза, света. Это приложение решило мою проблему — работа за компьютером стала значительно проще, интереснее, увлекательнее, я бы даже так сказал. Стало в радость находиться за компьютером. Еще бы! Ведь атмосфера уюта - создана! Жирное спасибо разработчикам. Не останавливайтесь на достигнутом!

  • 28.1.2019

    Works incredibly on basically every site I’ve visited. 100% recommend. Feature Suggestion: add an option to automatically turn on dark mode after sunset (websites will be white in the daytime and black at night)

  • 28.1.2019

    Очень хорошая штука. Но не слишком темный экран. То есть серый. А может быть это я дурак что то не так сделал. Большое спасибо за такое хорошее расширение