Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 303

  • 19.2.2019

    I appreciate how customizable it is, both in terms of its friendly interface and the options. Really happy to be able to edit contrast and brightness. And the sepia effect limits blue light which is awesome too. Thanks for this app!

  • 19.2.2019

    I never thought I needed such an app and tried it out of curiosity. Not only does it work like a charm - as soon as I started using it I suddenly noticed how much better this is for my eyes. I am now recommending it to everyone who spends a lot of time in front of his PC.

  • 17.2.2019

    Útil e agradável para os olhos. Fundamental para quem é notívago ou trabalha até tarde na frente da tela do computador!

  • 16.2.2019

    I have to say that it is unfortunate that bots are spamming low ratings on this extension because it has been a life saver for me. I was in a car accident last year and my eyes have been super light sensitive ever since. Bright, white backgrounds (like Google’s) leaves me with tired eyes and borderline migraine every time I use a computer for more than an hour. This app has made it so I can work on online projects again and continue to do lots of research. Thank you so much, and I’m sorry the bots are downgrading you (I read that in a previous reply). Don’t give up! You’ve made a HUGE difference in my productivity!!!

  • 16.2.2019

    Расширение отличное! Пользуюсь уже месяц. Очень помогает сохранить ламповый стиль тёмной темы, да к тому же очень сохраняет зрение <3

  • 16.2.2019

    Para mi, un tema oscuro es imprescindible, siempre que no afecte a la legibilidad y hasta el momento este me parece sin duda el mejor. Excelente.

  • 15.2.2019

    Работаю за компьютером, как раз в ВК. Из-за разницы в часовых поясах ночами сижу в ВК, при добавлении данного разрешения сократилась боль в глазах, очень сильно помогло. По интерфейсу ничего плохого не сказать. Идеал dark vk.

  • 15.2.2019

    Wow! Beautiful! Simple to get working. Initial impression is impressive. Hoping my happiness holds up.

  • 13.2.2019

    This is a brilliantly made App. It is not a simple color inversion. I think most webpages actually look better with this enabled. It’s also extremely easy to whitelist a site or pause the extension on the rare site’s it is not great on. I am really impressed with it. I am adding it to my list of “must have” extensions with Adblock Plus, LastPass, and Autofill by tohodo. This extension makes the world a better place.

  • 13.2.2019

    Отличное расширение, давно нужно было в ВК это добавить. Мне нравится, все хорошо адаптировано, разве, что в других расширениях шрифт иногда сливается. Спасибо за эту отличную тему!