Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 287

  • 9.5.2019

    easily my favorite extension that is not an ad blocker. I only wish it could sync between each of my 8 devices.

  • 8.5.2019

    This extension has its imperfections, but is absolutely the best dark mode on the Chrome Web Store. I recommend disabling it if you can’t find a button, it makes the occasional mistake.

  • 8.5.2019

    Ich bin ein recht Nachtaktiver Mensch und die hellen Websites haben irgendwann nur noch in den Augen geschmerzt. Mit dem Super Dark Mode habe ich das Problem soweit nicht mehr. Es ist weit angenehmer. Soweit Super Funktion. Weiter so. ^^

  • 7.5.2019

    This extension is fantastic. It has a great look that is consistent between sites. I previously used HackerVision (loved it and paid the 2.99/year) but there were some changes that made me look further. Deluminate offered a more granular control over the pages but it was very buggy. So far, I must say Super Dark Mode is one of the best and, in my case, the only dark mode extension I currently use.

  • 7.5.2019

    Самая топовая темная тема для ВК из всех, которые я когда либо находил! А теперь сделайте для гугл поиска такую же!

  • 6.5.2019

    Best darkmode extension I’ve found. Offers a lot of usability and customization options but darkens pages that other extensions simply cannot.

  • 6.5.2019

    Awesome! Better than all the rest. Even gets rid of the white screen flash between pages. This is seriously the best dark app I’ve found in YEARS of searching. I’ve used an old, less-secure version of Chromium for the past two years because of the white flash. I can finally migrate to Chrome. I only wish this was available for Firefox as well. Great app.

  • 5.5.2019

    Amazing extension that can make almost every website dark. Great for the eyes. Thanks for creating such a great extendion.

  • 4.5.2019

    Best possible option for most browsers, most flexible options w/sepia and greyscale settings. basically awesome.

  • 3.5.2019

    下载了前几名,经过对比,这个更适合晚上阅读,文字会更暗淡一些从而不刺激眼睛。而别的扩展在文字方面虽然颜色上可以多样性,但这也就在黑色的背景下更突出更刺眼。 其实我也喜欢颜色多样性,如果二选一,我选择舒适大于体验,所以我选择此款扩展。 After downloading the first few, after comparison, this is more suitable for evening reading, the text will be more dim and not irritating to the eyes. Other extensions are versatile in terms of text, but they are more prominent and dazzling in the black background. In fact, I also like color diversity. If I choose one, I choose comfort more than experience, so I chose this extension.