Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 284

  • 24.5.2019

    Superb app. People who are fond of night/dark themes must use this. Plus their customer support is awesome. You think there is some issue with website you are browsing, you tell them and they will fix in a day.

  • 24.5.2019

    This is The Best ever extension for websites around. The Super Dark Mode is Outstanding. Since some idiot decided to use gray or dark gray as the text colors on web pages; which is not easy on the eyes; black is MUCH easier and better to read; I found this chrome extension to be FANTABULOUS!! Now I can stop squinting and struggling to read my web pages. Thank you very much. Best extension so far. I LOVE IT!!

  • 23.5.2019

    The one simple thing that made me download this extension: Your icon looks like Darth Vadar’s helmet… with red sunglasses xD Also, thank you for your hard work; it’s amazing.

  • 23.5.2019

    Thanks for the extension. It saves my eyes from looking at the screen for long hour. It would be great if there is an option for a time frame that the extension can turn off/on automatically. NVM: found it (there is a 3 dot lining horizontally right next to the “off” option).

  • 23.5.2019

    I didn’t even know this was a thing before I just happened to go on the Chrome web store and see it as a suggestion. This is awesome. Had it for 5 minutes now, no problems. Works well with every website so far. 2 thumbs up to the creator!

  • 22.5.2019

    Extensión tan sencilla y flexible que se adapta a toda página que he visitado hasta ahora, y lo hace de una manera muy eficiente.

  • 21.5.2019

    I don’t usually write review about any digital product; yes, I’m that much lazy. But the quality of this extension has forced me write. This is the extension that has made all the difference in my day to day browsing experience. I highly prefer dark background as it’s easy on the eyes. Dark Reader is more than just dark backgrounds; it offers multiple flavors of dark mode, and you can modify it on the go. Then the showstopper, Setting Your Own Font! Yes, you can view all of your web content in your favorite font, doesn’t matter what the background is! How COOL is that?! Thanks Dark Reader team for developing and open-sourcing such a life-changing extension and offering it for free of cost. I’m a developer myself, so I understand how tremendous effort needed to develop and maintain such a complex product. Cheers mate!!

  • 21.5.2019

    I have eye floaters that make it frustrating and tiring to work with a bright-white screen. This extension has been a godsend. It has just the right amount of configurability to work well with just about every site I’ve used it on. On 99% of sites it works so well I don’t even notice it, and on the remaining 1% just a small site-specific adjustment to the settings is enough to fix it for that site. It very doesn’t invert image colors, unlike some similar extensions, which is also huge. To conclude, I can’t recommend this extension enough. Whether you’ve got an eye condition or proactively looking to avoid eye strain, Dark Reader is far and away the best dark mode extension. P.S. To the developer(s), thank you so much for this fantastic tool. Not to be dramatic, but you’ve saved me an incalculable amount of pain and annoyance.

  • 19.5.2019

    Тема хорошая, при загрузке вк сразу черный, нету белого даже на секунду. Выключается одним кликом. Но, меня немного напрягает слишком слабый белый цвет левого меню, приходится щуриться, чтобы увидеть его на черном, хотя я итак знаю что там написано, так что не важная проблема. Админ отзывчивый - по просьбе фиксит баги. ВК не лагает с темой, очень оптимизировано.

  • 18.5.2019

    Лучшее расширение которое только может быть! Скачивал кучу разных, но выбрал именно это расширение так как сделано всё без ляпов и на совесть! Разработчики большие молодцы!