Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 277

  • 5.7.2019

    Działa bez problemu. Możliwość wyłączenia/włączenia “trybu ciemnego” działa bez zarzutów. Tekst jest czytelny i przejrzysty. Gorąco polecam!

  • 5.7.2019

    Genau das was ich gesucht hab. Bietet viele Funktionen die bei anderen Dark Mode Extensions fehlen, wie Website Whitelisting, Helligkeit/Kontrast und custom CSS settings

  • 5.7.2019

    I don’t get why Google doesn’t put this app in top spot when searching for “DARK”. Google must hate this app because it’s really good. Other apps in the search have <500 ratings. This has 4k+. Something wrong with your algorithm, Google?

  • 4.7.2019

    Thank you for this extension. No flickering on page load like other extensions. Works perfectly. All websites render in dark mode now! No more reducing brightness on switching to chrome from Mac dark mode anymore :-)

  • 4.7.2019

    Fastest 5 star review I’ve ever given. Because it surpassed all my expectations. Everything went dark!

  • 4.7.2019

    очень хорошее приложение что радует браузер от него не тормозит а работает все как надо заслужила 5 звезд

  • 3.7.2019

    Good upgrade from browsing the web like a deer in the headlights to browsing it as it should’ve been

  • 3.7.2019

    Excellent! Some users complain, but do not understand, that not all (most) web pages are not “dark mode compatible”. So the problem is on that pages and not bad application (that add-on).

  • 30.6.2019

    было б здорово, чтоб дарк мод работал везде в гугл хром. как например эта страница, а так все устраивает. Imo will be bettter the dark mod can be active on other padges, for ex: like this padge. but for now i’m good.

  • 30.6.2019

    I love this extension and it’s light weight. The only thing is that the pop-up menus are transparent