Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 271

  • 17.8.2019

    It works so well so far! I’ve tried so hard to find something that’ll give me dark mode on g drive and this is it. Finally! Thanks for this ^^

  • 17.8.2019

    Is good and fast. At least doesnt use cpu as other extension Dark Reader so this one is very good! Good that is possible to change options when have some problems on local news sites. Heres bad examples and I like Invert #5 and Invert #10 Others after thouse lower loose citations into grey dark hard to see. All general leave some whitespace on main menu sides.

  • 16.8.2019

    It does what it says its supposed to do worked so good i had to leave a review. Thanks to the developer we love people like you who look out for people like us

  • 15.8.2019

    I almost never rate things, I just don’t have the time, but this extension is an Eye Saver! It is truly amazing! I really hate having every page on the web (especially my CRM) be soooo white. This changes everything. Unlike others it works on all sites (at least as far as I know so far - all those important to me). I highly recommend and honestly think that Chrome should just add this as a function of their dark mode!!!

  • 15.8.2019

    Отличное приложение. Самое то, когда вам режет глаза белый цвет ночью. Очень не хватало данной функции в ВК, так как это уже присутствовало в YouTube и в Twitter. Нареканий никаких нет, даже аватарки нестандартного цвета. Как и было написано в отзывах, изменили. Спасибо, что вы есть :)

  • 15.8.2019

    Excelente, sirve para cualquier pagina web, tanto facebook, youtube, google, que son las principales.

  • 14.8.2019

    Used youtube on dark mode for about 2 years, and love it. Now I have this for all web sites. Super. With all the colour variations, still trying it out, which is fun trying different colour schemes(lettering). Wish I had heard about it when it first came out. Best of all really good on the eyes.

  • 13.8.2019

    Absolutely one of the best Chrome extensions out there. UI is well thought out, and functionality is flawless.

  • 13.8.2019

    I am thoroughly impressed by what this extension can do, previously I have used other extensions similar to this one, but they either did not work very well, or the extension simply inverted all the colors of the entire page, which works to an extent, but also distorts everything your seeing. I am a person who does a lot of typing and research papers, and now I do not have to stare at the bright white background of most websites and articles, this is truly a very practical and useful application that has improved my experience with any and all browser based applications :)

  • 11.8.2019

    Суперское расширение. Но больше всего мне понравилась обратная связь с разработчиком. Она действительно работает. Писал им, чтобы подкорректировали темную тему в разделе “Музыка”, и, через какое-то время, раздел починили. Также 10.10.20 Вк выпустили измененный дизайн левого списка из-за чего поменялся шрифт и темная тема работала не очень. на момент 12.10.20 они уже адаптировали ее к новому шрифту. Большущий респект разработчикам! ♥