Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 256

  • 1.11.2019

    Отличный функционал для ВК. В один прекрасный момент осознал, что у меня во всех приложениях включен темный режим, кроме ВК и это очень сильно обламывало ;) Респект разработчику)

  • 31.10.2019

    This extension has saved my eyes whilst still keeping subtle variations in colour that assist readability. Amazing

  • 30.10.2019

    It would be great, if you implemented the ability to automatically enable/disable dark theme at a certain time of day. I’d like it to be enabled at 8pm, when my Windows 10 switched to dark theme and disabled at 6am, when the OS switches to light theme. Is this possible to realize? Would be glad to hear from the developer. :) Edit: Just figured out that this feature already exists! It wasn’t too easy to find, but I’m glad it’s there!

  • 30.10.2019

    By far the best out there. It is a difficult problem but this extension does a really good job by default. The options UI is pretty neat too. Found it for Firefox first. Google does not rank it highly in the search page!

  • 30.10.2019

    It’s perfect!! There’s plenty of customizable options, it is a simple click to start. And seems like they are increasing support for the websites.

  • 29.10.2019

    Gostei muito desta funcionalidade, pois eu posso navegar durante horas sem cansar tantos os olhos, parabens ao desenvolvedor, continue esse bom trabalho.

  • 29.10.2019

    only one that actually works on all my pages. love that I can customize the colorscheme. great job guys!

  • 28.10.2019

    Exactly what I was looking for. Had tried the “flags” dark mode built into the Chrome, and which gave weird and unreadable results. Then by luck came across this extension, which is just right! Thanks and rgds. ps if there are any places where you are not satisfied with the result, you simply push the “whitelist” button, and on that site it stays default. Perfect.

  • 28.10.2019

    Лучшее приложение для Chrome из всех представленных. Никак не искажает цвет, цветопередача такая же, как на смартфоне с тёмной темой. Спасибо разработчикам, стоит пожелать дальнейших успехов), также неплохо создать расширение и в других браузерах (Яндекс, Edge, Opera).

  • 28.10.2019

    I dunno what I’d do without this app. The switch in my apps bar is simple to use as compared to the other Dark Mode apps.