Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 245

  • 26.12.2019

    o kadar uygulama denedim hiçbiir isteğidim gibi çıkmadı en iyisi u arkadaşalr tavsiye ederim baya ayarları var deneyin kesinlikle

  • 26.12.2019

    Thank you for providing this awesome tool that makes browsing smooth and comfortable. It runs better than the chrome dark mode that you can enable in flags. It is free. It works on pdf and everywhere. Thank you so much.

  • 24.12.2019

    It works like magic! I can imagine how complicate is inverting color in a SMART way, and so I’m impressed with the result. Few issues can be found on different websites, but there is no better solution on the whole internet yet. A huge thanks to all contributors!

  • 23.12.2019

    Хорошее расширение, которое позволяет сменить привычные светлые тона дизайна Вконтакте на более темные. Так, например, работая в плохо освещенном помещении или ночью, можно расслабить глаза и не щуриться от ослепительно-белого света, исходящего от экрана.

  • 23.12.2019

    This is the absolute best thing… Between this and dark mode now on Microsoft Office and some other apps, I can now work in a dark room without killing my eyes. I don’t use many of the advanced features in the app so I can’t attest to that functionality.

  • 23.12.2019

    Impressionante. Nos sites que eu visitei, o tema escuro ficou tão bonito que parecia que foi projetado pelo próprio site.

  • 20.12.2019

    Esto era lo que desde hace tiempo estaba buscando. ¡Dios! Es una de esas extensiones que SIEMPRE has de tener instalada. Pero es que no solo es eso, he probado ya varias y esta extensión, créanme, es la mejor de su tipo; no solo es eficaz en lo que hace sino también de fácil uso y configuración. Felicidades y mis respetos para todo el Dev Team detrás de esta maravilla.

  • 20.12.2019

    Amazing!!! I was using dark mode from chrome://flags/. It was okay. But there were noticeable areas where it fell down. I was messing around with Dark Reader for about five minutes in Firefox. It blew my mind. What a beautiful extension. The design of the UI is outstanding. The elegant, yet granular, level of control plus nicely implemented Dev Tools gives other extension developers a high bar. This is the fastest that I’ve ever awarded a 5-star rating and review! Just a sweet little app.

  • 19.12.2019

    Сначала немного привыкнуть потребовалось время. Но в темное время суток за компьютером гораздо более комфортные условия работы !!!

  • 18.12.2019

    I am so happy that you made this app. My eyes are especially grateful! My mother can finally use a computer again. She used to get headaches from the bright white screen. Thank you