Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 243

  • 12.1.2020

    This extension in great!! Now all you need is to teach us code dummies how to customize a bit. P.S, thanks for the “no type” warning.

  • 12.1.2020

    The last year and a half my eyes have been getting worse. I chock it up to my diabetes and the fact that I’m in my 60’s. This app helps tremendously. With a plain white screen there are times that I’m a couple inches from the screen and have trouble focusing. Plus I find waking up in the morning and my eyes are not as fatigued. Again thanks for the app!!!

  • 11.1.2020

    It does EXACTLY what you think it does and it does it well. This is exceptional on sites who do not already have “dark mode”. In cases where they do, I recommend using that site’s version of “dark mode” but that’s just subjunctive.

  • 11.1.2020

    Давно пользуюсь этим расширением в разных браузерах на базе chromium (google chrome, yandex browser, atom), и везде отлично работает. Раньше перепробовал кучу разных расширений, и многие тормозили отображение сайта, но это расширение, про которое я просто забываю. Именно так и должно быть с технологиями: не надо задумываться о том, как ими пользоваться. В общем, очень доволен. Рекомендую.

  • 9.1.2020

    So far (and this is after 10 minutes), I LOVE THIS!! Granted there are websites that deploy certain marketing techniques… cough.. cough.. this one for example, that black this type of extension, BUT… This is the only one that has worked for me. Nothing else has darkened the entire page. My eyes are saved and I am not totally blinded when a website blocks Dark Reader. I’ve been an adult for a looong time now and can deal with it. =) THANK YOU DARK READER =)

  • 7.1.2020

    me encanta la comodidad y utilidad que logra esta extensión cuando la ocupas, es mas también para los que son nocturnos sirve para no forzar tus ojos con el pinche brillo.

  • 6.1.2020

    Better than other extensions. But there are bugs: gif search bar has some white rectangle covering the text. And scrollbar is showing and whole site can be scrolled a little because of this ext. Is it just me? Hope i helped in improving this app ;)

  • 6.1.2020

    So far, so good! I’ll update accordingly if I run into any issues… This is a necessity for all computer users and should be built-in all web browsers. Thanks a bunch!

  • 6.1.2020

    Отличное приложение очень хорошо работает ничего плохого не случилось за время пользования спасибо долго искал именно такое

  • 5.1.2020

    Arguably the best extension for chrome, it has been optimized for dynamic content, and we can manually adjust contrast, sepia and more to cushion our eyes. Pages will load for a bit to apply dark mode, hoping to see improvements!