Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 242

  • 14.1.2020

    Better that the rest! It does not just invert colors like many others, it really makes all areas of the websites dark. Also, it works with javascript sites. Thank you, now I can work without being blinded by those white backgrounds! Absolutely amazing, Google Chrome should pay you lots of money ;-)

  • 14.1.2020

    By far the best dark mode extension/application I’ve tried. Works incredibly well. These one star reviews with complaints about the most trivial thing are a joke and should be ignored/flagged for spam/abuse. $9/year for support, no ads and no data mining is an absolute bargain. Thank you devs for possessing some moral fortitude and not going to sneaky route most vendors choose just so they can keep their product “free”.

  • 13.1.2020

    This is a great extension that works really well. The only minor complaint I had was the fact that it sometimes slows down webpages. I’d give it 4.5 stars (since you can’t do half stars, I gave it 5 instead).

  • 13.1.2020

    Очень понравилось приложение тёмная тема для ВК, только непонятно почему мои друзья видят мои страничку по старому - белой. Так задумана или я ошиблась при установке. Огромное спасибо разработчикам.

  • 13.1.2020

    This extension has provided me with the ability to view Google Calendar and Gmail in Dark Mode. The built in Dark Mode for Gmail was okay, but I always have my Google Tasks list open which has a white background. This extension fixes that too. Since those two sites are the only ones I wanted in this mode I used the “Invert listed only” feature under “Site list” to achieve this. Thank you for a well thought out and extremely useful plugin!

  • 13.1.2020

    The automatic color-shifting is the most accurate of any night-mode extension I’ve tried so far. Modifies nearly every site perfectly, with extra options to adjust and tweak to your preferences.

  • 13.1.2020

    Спасибо за это расширение! Часто работаю или просто сижу за компьютером ночью, в процессе чего мои глаза постоянно режет от яркой белой темы ВК. После этого я скачал Темную тему, которая оказалась очень интересной на вид и которая спасла мои очи. Причем, темный интерфейс настолько приятен, что теперь он у меня на постоянной основе, а белая классическая тема отошла на второй план.

  • 13.1.2020

    Only thing I noticed is the slider bar for adjusting doesn’t kick in until you refresh sometimes. Other than that, this app is amazing. 5/5

  • 12.1.2020

    So far i have had this installed for a few days and it has worked seamlessly. I like that I can toggle between both modes - huge help. This is exactly what I wanted!

  • 12.1.2020

    EXCELLENT!! What a fantastic app, shame I just dicover it, but now I have it, always I felt that sensation that I’m looking at the sun and my eyes were very Tired because of the effort to see, I cannot believe I found and inmense health help, we are loosing vision little by little just for expending time in a screen. Only I realised how much effort to see, how much shine I was getting back, immediately after I got ir, feel relief. I do really, if you care your eyes this app is the one, even headaches I have had. I Highly Recommend this amazing app. Thank you all behind scenes to make available and think health!, for all of us, Genious!!