Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 236

  • 12.2.2020

    Сначала даже не верил, что “поменяет” сразу все сайты на которых я постоянно сижу(думал, что придется допиливать ручками или вообще ничего не получится), но оказалось, что зря переживал. Все красиво и мгновенно поменяло. Спасибо.

  • 11.2.2020

    Best extension I’ve ever used. Effective dark mode for the entire browser. If an extension can do it, why can’t the companies making the browsers?

  • 11.2.2020

    The only dark theme for chrome, which does not conflict with website codes, other versions have caused the website to lose features, this one works perfectly. LoVe iT<3

  • 11.2.2020

    Шикарное расширение, ни разу с начала использования(уже около года наверное, может поменьше) не замечал никаких багов, систему совершенно не нагружает, разработчику респект!

  • 11.2.2020

    É uma extensão incrível, consegue deixar maioria (se não todos) os sites em tema escuro! Combinando essa extensão com um tema escuro, você conseguirá transformar o chrome em algo perfeito pros olhos hahhahaha! Muito bom, eu esperava por isso faz anos!

  • 10.2.2020

    Me ayudó a llevar varios cursos en línea, en sitios web que tienen una interfaz blanca por lo que mis ojos se cansaban rápido y se me complicaba llevarlos por mucho tiempo. Ahora llevo muchos cursos a la vez y la vista es genial mejor que todos las anteriores extensiones que he probado. Profundamente agradecido con los creadores de esta extensión. ¡Magnifico trabajo!.

  • 10.2.2020

    IT ACTUALLY WORKS! all the other ones only work on random sites, but this one is GREAT! SERIOUSLY, download this. it works. d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b

  • 8.2.2020

    It is such an amazing extension, i wanted to read wattpad in dark mode on browser but couldn’t, now i can, Thanks Dark Reader. (Lol)

  • 7.2.2020

    It is almost perfect and by far the best dark-theme plugin i have found, so far. It does have some limitations in terms of customization, and a (rare) bug, where the dark-theme is not applied immediately, at pageload, resulting in a “flash” of the original site, before changeing to dark-theme. Otherwise its perfect! Edit: The “flash” at pageload is happening because of limitations on Google Chrome. It can be fixed by using a different “theme”, in chrome.

  • 7.2.2020

    Like a magicstick turns white and aggressive into dark and calm. I only found this for Thank you, my eyes say.