Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 235

  • 18.2.2020

    Очень клевая тема. Пользуюсь уже очень долго, никаких косяков замечено не быо. Спасибо большое авторам

  • 17.2.2020

    Best dark mode app! I paid for it to support the development because developers actually understand the needs of users. I hope they improve the speed of loading with lower resource usage and more dark themes. For people who don’t want to pay, any good tool development needs resources and time, 9$ for a year is less than a one time meal at McDonalds, and this tool actually reduces strain on the eyes, so I would say its totally worth it.

  • 17.2.2020

    I’ve been wanting an extension like this for many years, there’s been a couple attempts by others but this one works the best by far. Finally no more blindingly bright websites especially late at night! My eyes thank you devs!!

  • 17.2.2020

    Amazing tool to “turn off the lights” for all pages, everywhere, always.. Somehow this isn’t just a browser setting, but for now, we have this great tool.

  • 16.2.2020

    Очень классное дополнение. Терпеть не могу яркое и светлое, как раз то, что нужно Никаких багов не заметил, все работает как часы более года Спасибо автору!

  • 15.2.2020

    just installed it and played with it for an hour or so and this IS EXACTLY WHAT IVE ALWAYS WANTED but the other extensions have not delivered Lots of real programming went into this extension - DYNAMIC MODE is amazing sites look perfect without being ‘weird’

  • 15.2.2020

    C’est super beau en noir ! Par contre, l’extension ne marche pas sur des sites protégé par le navigateur ( Chrome Web Store, nouvel onglet, par exemple ), mais sinon, c’est super stylé.

  • 15.2.2020

    Fantastic extension! Very customizable and effective. For me, the best part is that the developers are EXTREMELY responsive. There’s actually an in-extension chat tab so you can report pages that aren’t handled correctly. Generally, the response time seems to be around 4 to 36 hours (sometimes much less), and for the pages that I reported, that response was usually to let me know that the issue had just been fixed. Since I have some experience with CSS, I’ve also been back and forth with the devs about a few more complex issues, and again, their responsiveness and dedication to improving the extension is top notch. I respect and appreciate that a great deal.

  • 14.2.2020

    Loaded with all of the required features, free, easy to use… and above all, it BEAUTIFULLY converts a myriad of web sites having a great versatility.

  • 13.2.2020

    Это расширение невероятно удобное, в то время когда конуренты режут скорость загрузки старницы это расширение никак не влияет на загрузку ВК. Удобное в использовании. Цвета подобраны отлично. 5 звезд, не иначе