Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 228

  • 31.3.2020

    I mean this is the first time I actually review a chrome extension and I’ve been using chrome from its early days even before it supported these and wow. This thing is just amazing. What is actually blowing my mind is that it sometimes outshines developers attempts at create a dark theme variant for their pages and just makes them look better… Of course it has some hiccups here and there but this is where the ability to fine tune settings per page comes in. And if that fails you can modify the css for that page yourself. Usually though when a page looks weird with this extension is because its CSS is weird. Hands down must have.

  • 30.3.2020

    Bravo.. Bravo. It works, does what it says and none of what it doesnt (so far) Keep up the good work!

  • 30.3.2020

    There is not much to say except that Dark Reader is the best dark mode extension available; Not only because of its functionality, but also because of the constant updates are improvements being introduced to enhance its performance, which shows very clearly that there are dedicated people working behind this. I use it mainly for Google Docs. I hope the developers focus on enhancing its integration with the google G-suit (Docs, slides, spreadsheet etc). Two important points for the developers to focus on: (1) Reduce loading time when enabled for Gmail (2) Ensure memory and CPU usage is kept as low as possible. Otherwise, thank you very much!

  • 30.3.2020

    L’ho adorato, fornisce un tema scura a tutti i siti e sopratutto chi usa molto il pc poĆ² essere molto utile per non affaticare l’occhip

  • 30.3.2020

    Cuz I am still on Mojave and I don’t have the native dark mode from the system. Then I found this pretty handy tool, make the web experience a lot better when I was developing stuff.

  • 29.3.2020

    I don’t operate without darkmode on anything. Dark Reader saved my life. This is especially awesome if you know any CSS at all, you can customize web pages to your liking.

  • 29.3.2020

    Excellent! Please, do something with white flash on the opening website and before it finishes downloading. For example, Aliexpress remains white 5-10 sec from the start. In that period I may have epilepsy

  • 29.3.2020

    I can’t live without this. Wonderful extension! I also love the logo. The ONLY ISSUE I HAD is that it makes GMAIL SUPER SLOW, so I disabled it on that site. All others seem to work great!

  • 29.3.2020

    Simple, exactly the dark mode I as looking for to save my eyeballs. Darkmode should be an accessibility standard.

  • 28.3.2020

    Great extension, I am a pro customer and for more than 6 months, no problem at all, and when I face any problem, the customer support is very helpful and fast in replying :)