Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 214
awesome quick app that works on my cloud software webpages, making them much easier to work in on a daily basis, especially at night.
Действительно хорошее расширение, которое позволяет насладиться новым дизайном без каких-либо глитчей и косяков. Достойное качество.
Muy bueno, lo recomiendo. Me ha ayudado con mis noches de lectura y estudio. Es lo que andaba buscando. Gracias.
You have saved my eyes, thank you. For the last month I’ve been dealing with major eye strain but everything I do requires the computer. I managed to change everything to dark mode and now Chrome too and it has significantly helped my eyes! Two other extensions did not work but this one did. ^_^ Thank you!
Hugely grateful to the developers of this! I’ve been suffering from an optic nerve issue which makes computer use hard on account of light sensitivity and blurred vision. This extension has made it so much easier for me to get back to working semi-normal days and feel like I can get back on with life. Unreal stuff!
Pretty epic but has some problems on some sites like google drive and some menus are transparent. But i do love it.
If you want to completely fall in love with your pc, install this. This is best dark theme you will find. I never rate anything so easily but this is love!!! Thanks to the devlopers. Soo better with version 5. PS: I have noticed it does not make chrome web dark. It doesn’t matter to me but just saying. Excellent work btw…. Appreciated
Honestly been waiting for this feauture for a long time. Didn’t understand why it’s not the default. It’s too good to be true. Thanks!
Sin dudas voy a darle 5 estrellas. Pude instalar la extensiòn en el navegador Chrome que ya no permite actualizaciones. - Por cierto, utilizo mi MacBook con OS X 10.7.5 Saludos
This is crazy good, crazy fast and crazy good for the eyes. PEOPLE DONATE! It even has mobile support, easily a $10 extension.