Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 212
I love that it makes the black backgrounds actually a dark charcoal gray, and it makes the black fonts a true deep black aka like a newspaper header. It looks elegant, classy, and better than many native dark modes. It’s so good I would honestly consider paying for it, which I’ve never done with an extension. Even without that, the five sites you get in the free version would be sufficient for me to cover the worst offenders -a couple of newspaper sites and the google search page. Oh, and it remembers your settings per website and you can change it to your liking with the press of a button. It’s not a difficult to change chrome theme. Highly recommended.
eu gostaria de dark uma nota de 4,7 pois tem alguns bugs, como o indicador azul de like/dislke nos comentários do youtube não aparecendo, mas é muito bom e me ajuda muito
огромное спасибо за то что вы есть, благодаря вам мне больше не разъедает глаза ядерно белый цвет сайта :)
Great extension! It’s an essential one for me, and use it daily. The new update is awesome! Keep it up guys.
Ощущение будто это сами разработчики ВК сделали, ибо тёмная тема такая же как и на мобиле, И ЭТО КРУТО!
Esto me va hacer vivir más mis ojos,ahora puedo tener la tranquilidad de usar mi PC sin que me ardan los ojos
Easy to use, and works well with most of the pages that I visit.. If anything conflicts, then just add it to the “exclude” list and it all looks pretty good. It’s definitely a lot better than having a bright white screen glaring me in the face when I switch pages. It’s a good app, and it seems to be the only one that I could get to be compatible. The rest of the apps that I tried were way off, darkened a lot of pictures on basic web sites, and not customizable. This one actually works, and I have it set to a medium shade background (a grey/lilac) with black lettering, blue hyperlinks, and a few other similar colors. LOOKS REALLY GOOD!!!
Justo lo que buscaba, con un atajo de teclado, modo oscuro en Chrome, y combinado con el modo oscuro de Windows, ya puedo trabajar bien por las noches.
para los que tengan problemas como que queda un cuadrado en el texto o lo del like gris o cosas asi, creen un tema y solamente modifiquen lo del recuadro (no ir a ajusten) asi lo soluciones
I use two monitors so I find dark mode particularly useful in eliminating glare while working with the twin. Customization options are good. Works very well. Recommended.