Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 208
Mantapp sekali extensionya. Awalnya saya pake untuk suatu web, ada tulisan yang nggak keliatan pas darkmode nya di aktifin. Tapi setelah dilihat, ada pilihan mode darkmodenya. Setelah diganti, fix masalahnya. Mantap deh
Ótima extensão, uso faz muito tempo e a única reclamação que tenho é que não funciona em pdf baixado.
The developer put some great work into this dark mode extension. When I am stuck using a different browser, I really miss this extension. Most other dark mode extensions mess up pages to a point where, sure they are dark, but barely usable.
Это лучшее приложение в своём роде. Пользуюсь не один месяц. Подходит для тех у кого слабое зрение или быстро устают глаза. Спасибо огромное за проделанную работу!!!
dark reader 외에 여러 유사 프로그램을 써봤지만 이게 가장 좋습니다 평가가 박한사람들은 그냥 다른거 안써보고 오지랍떠는 것일 뿐입니다 이것 외엔 대안이 없습니다! 여러 프로그램 거의 다 써봤습니다 이게 제일 좋습니다!
I have used a few dark mode extensions but this exceeds them all. I am glad I came across this extension, can’t see anyone besting it. I need dark mode because I suffer badly with my eyes and can’t use my pc for long periods but with this extension I can be on my PC for as long as I like. Thank You so much.
I cant believe I didn’t use this up until now! My eyes always hurt when going to sites, and setting dark mode manually was too much work. AMAZING! I love that you can blacklist sites, so you still have light themed websites (for me google docs)
This is literally a MUST extension. This made browsing the web so much fun with everything customizable! Thanks HiSoft!
Absolutely the best extension for dark mode reading on all websites! Although there may be weird artifacts on some less popular website, it is mostly due to poor web design on that website (like weird transparant setting on buttons/etc). Overall a great extension, easy usage and already awsome support. Hope it will continue to be better.
Данное расширение сделало то, что огромная компания не смогла по человечески реализовать за почти 4 года. Причём оно работает как надо, но не хватает опции сделать темнее. А так 10/10