Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 206
Лучшее расширения для тёмной темы, которое я видел. Не вырвиглазное, почти ни разу не замечал каких-либо багов в отображении, как будто пользуешься оригинальной тёмной темой в ВК
Just installed it a couple minutes ago after having looks at different related extensions. I love how the settings night shift/dark mode are adjustable by just clicking on the extension shortcut. This extension gives the option of configuring the bluelight filter to a certain degree. And it also comes with schedules.
So glad I found this to kill the white backgrounds. I turn it on at night when I’m on my computer and leave it off during the day. I like the options that allow me to change text, headers and such.
This extension really helped with my online schooling’s website. The sit has a blind white bright color that ticks me off! So downloading this extension was better for my eyes, thanks guys!
Все супер. Пользуюсь очень давно, нареканий нет, одни положительные плюсы. Многие даже удивляются откуда такой режим. Есть перспектива развития.
I really like this extension. Its great for my eyes at night. But can you guys please have like some daily clock to have some time settings on it? An example would be to set dark mode for 7:00 to 5:00. An automatic change from light to dark on a timer preset would be really great for this extension.
Hey! This is the most awesome extension I ever installed! Since I have it, I feel way better when reading articles. As it’s open source, its pretty cool way to create dark modes for my websites, using it’s algorithm of color replacement! I recommend!!! 10/10 Best regards Marcelektro-kun!
Funciona bem e é bastante customizável com relação às cores, de fundo, títulos, texto, campos da dados. Pode-se personalizar o CSS. Demora um pouco testar e resolver o melhor esquema de cores, mas o resultado compensa! Poderia ter uma opção para ampliar as fontes dos textos.
Perfeita, a mais completa sem sombra de dúvidas!! Acabei de descobrir que tem como programar pra ativar e desativar no horário que você quiser, com o pôr do Sol, com as configurações do sistema, tudo que eu queria!!
Era o que eu estava procurando há muito tempo. Recomendo fortemente a quem procura um meio simples e rápido de implementar o modo escuro em todos os sites que visitar.