Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 198

  • 13.10.2020

    It should have an option to disable it on specific sites. I wanted to disable it for YouTube because it has its own dark theme which is perfect. Overall, loved the extension and my toggle key is Ctrl + 0. Thank You.

  • 13.10.2020

    I just got this extension, and I can see that almost every website that I’m on has dark mode. This is pure magic and I love it!

  • 12.10.2020

    I didn’t know there will be any dark theme extension that will meet my requirements and expectations but I found this and it has all those qualities :)

  • 12.10.2020

    Тёмная тема это очень хорошо, а то монитор как прожектор светит, я очень этому даволен, этого мне не хватало. Ну а пожелания, может еще добавить возможность добавлять задний фон вместо тёмной темы, любой, любую картинуку например, тут уже человек может выбирать сам какой у него фон будет, я бы поставил космос. Или например 3Д фон, тоже бы космос поставил. Визуализацию какую ни будь. В общем надо дальше немного идти по этой теме, не останавливаться на достигнутом.

  • 12.10.2020

    When you are on the computer many hours in a day, dark mode helps your eyes feel better. This extension is pretty much matching what I was looking for. It makes almost every website in dark mode and you can configure the colors as well. There’s also an easy toggle to return to normal mode.

  • 12.10.2020

    Genuinely great chrome extension! The only improvement needed is on the rate me page that will pop up only once! Otherwise, the extension is genuinely easy to use and can be adapted to any needs.

  • 12.10.2020

    Useful extension, but I hope you add an option for this extension to control the degree of the dark I want cause it is too dark.

  • 10.10.2020

    Это расширение спасло мои глаза от унылого и выжигающего белого свечения. Спасибо разработчикам, определённо 5 звёзд))

  • 10.10.2020

    The best ‘Dark Mode’ extension there is for browsers. However, there are some sites that do not work as best as other sites. Where can I give you the list of the sites so that you may look into tuning it? (for example, the field where I need to enter my username is turned dark but the font is black as well therefore I can’t see a thing).

  • 9.10.2020