Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 191
Sooo much easier on my eyes. I only have two comments, and this is from an editing perspective. I wish the comment bubbles were darkened (they’re still white), and when you hit the highlighted text that shows someone left a comment, the text gets so bright you can’t read it. Otherwise it’s great, easy to use, very helpful for when I’m working at 2a.m.
Some sites wont work very well hard to see scrollbar sometimes. but compared to others similar extension this is god tier
Обожаю это расширение, жалко, что на своем сайте, слишком яркий фон. обращайтесь) если есть предложения свои, подработаем
Great! Wish there were some accent colors/borders besides white. Difficult to see where calendar items begin and end without that.
ITS VERY NICE! My eyes are a bit sensitive to the screen and thankfully, this helped!!! thank youuu
Это божественно. Столько ждать официально релиза тёмной темы, и в итоге людям самим пришлось решать проблему. Спасибо огромнейшее за такое качественное расширение. Низкий поклон вам!
This dark theme transforms pages (Canvas) that no other Chrome extension has been able to. My morning online school eyes greatly appreciate it!
Es una extensión maravillosa, únicamente no funciona en los sitios oficiales de chrome como chrome://settings pero eso pasa con todas las extensiones lastimosamente, mientras escribo esto me duelen los ojos :P
My eyes are in heaven with this fantastic add-on! What a nice feeling that is and secretly all websites become even more beautiful! Everything must go dark!!!
realmente útil, esta extensión no me coloca todo en cuadrados o me oscurece todo, realmente me gusto 10/10