Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 185

  • 6.12.2020

    БОЖЕ, теперь вк не будет долбить мои глаза своим ярким светом (и мой монитор тоже), если-бы не вы, то думаю, я бы ослеп, просто каеф заходить в вк и видеть, тёмную тему СПАСИБО!!

  • 5.12.2020

    Pretty sweet! I tried a fair amount of other Dark Mode extensions before this one, and none of them looked as good or were as extensible as this extension. I also love how garishly idiosyncratic the Options page seems at first – then you realize it’s showing you exactly what your theme edits will change. Great extension!

  • 4.12.2020

    Simply a wonderful extension! It is way better than the built-in experimental feature of chrome itself and it can be also used for darkening local PDF files.

  • 3.12.2020

    This is the best mode extension for this browser; I have tried so many before this one and so happy I found this one!!

  • 3.12.2020

    Excelente para proteger la vista y siempre trae mejoras. Así que espero las más últimas versiones con mayor contraste: no sólo de color, sino también de relieve. Muchas gracias Super Dark Mode

  • 3.12.2020

    By far, this is the best Messenger dark mode I’ve ever used. Nonetheless, I suggest you also add automatic light/dark mode based on system preferences (like Windows 10’s default app mode).

  • 3.12.2020

    works perfectly fine!! :) It’s bothering me a bit, that the screen turns white inbetween loading or refreshing the websites, any workaround to solve that?

  • 2.12.2020

    This extension has revolutionized how I browse at night. Night Eye does an amazing job at making annoying websites readable at night, and it’s been worth every penny. Dark mode is popular, but only some sites support it natively. You can mess with browser config to invert colors and whatnot, but it doesn’t handle images well, and some contrasts are terrible inverted. Plus, it means dark mode sites are bad. I started with a 90-day premium trial, and at the end of it I couldn’t bear bumping back down to the free tier. I paid the full $40 license, and I’ve been pleased. The schedule means that I can browse normally during the day and have it kick in at night. There have been some sites with issues, but the dev team is very responsive; I noticed a fix within 2 days after raising an issue. Strongly recommend this extension. After u-Block Origin, this has been the #1 impactful Chrome Extension I’ve downloaded.

  • 1.12.2020

    ممتازة بس فيها مشكلة واحدة فمستندات جوجل عند الكتابة بلغة العربية ما يحدد الحرف فلمكان الصحيح مع يحدد المؤشر هذي المشكلة فقط في اللغة العربية واتمنى حلها Excellent, but it has one problem. Google documents when writing in the Arabic language does not specify the letter in the correct place with the indicator defining this problem only in the Arabic language and I hope to solve it

  • 1.12.2020

    Всегда выбираю тёмную гамму, когда есть возможность. Белый фон - это как сидеть перед прожектором. Спасибо за незабываемую возможность очернить VK и скромную просьбу написать этот отзыв. Это было весело!