Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 163
Amazing! Works on everything and causes no format issues or weird colors due to contrast changing. I have a concussion, and during my limited screen time, it’s nice to have this extension enabled to help my headaches and eyes!
My eyes no longer hurt from staring at mostly blinding white screens all day. Thanks, Dark Reader. My eyes are saved.
Asked me to write a review so I will. A great extension for tired eyes while still maintaining colr where it’s needed.
Спасибо огромное разработчикам, мне очень нравится темное оформление. Ночью раньше просто невозможно было сидеть во вконтакте, ужасно резало глаза, но с установкой расширения все стало прекрасно! Храни вас Аллах!
The blacklist feature works flawlessly and the extension is easy to use. Better than Dark Reader (the most popular extension for dark mode) in my opinion. Works on more websites (in fact every single one for me) and is a lot easier to use.
Very great! This is exactly what I’m looking for. Other extensions just invert the sites and has some bugs. Thanks a bunch for this, developer!
Night-owl and a gamer, the option of constantly increasing or decreasing the brightness physically was going to eventually damage my monitor. Extension solved the problem, webstore is still white but it’s most likely a setting I need to edit.
i dont get how here negative comments for this, it works great! it works with all of my extension apps like cookie clicker, you dj etc. i also like how you can change the brightness, contrast, sepia, and grayscale. 10/10 reccomend
Great so you aren’t blinded in the middle of the night, now its not trouble to see tabs and the page itself it helps the words stand out more and it gives a cooler dark tint for the page!
Es la mejor extensión que tengo instalada en todos mis dispositivos, super recomendada, llevo tiempo usándola y pense en principio que me iba a decepcionar, pero la verdad es que nunca lo ha hecho, incluso en sitios que tienen su propio modo oscuro en ocaciones me gusta mas como los muestra esta extensión. Así que no me queda nada mas que decir, instálala YA y velo por ti mismo.