Recent Awesome Dark Mode reviews : Page 162
I’m a writer and most of my days are spent staring at Google Docs. This extension does everything I expected it to, namely reducing the (unnecessary) brightness in the sidebars, and changing the color of the menu icons and text so that they’re still visible. Some screens in the sub-menus, like word count (recently fixed) weren’t updated, and the font was still a dark grey against the grey background. To work around this, I just highlighted and dragged the text to make it visible. From the other reviews, it looks like this is the biggest complaint. In my opinion it works perfectly. It’s stable, it always works, nothing looks wonky. I love it.
This extension is the best I have seen so far. Haven’t found any major problems (like YT thumbnails not loading), works on all the websites I have seen so far except chrome web store. Really helped me when I had headaches, 10/10!
Лучше расширения нету,выглядит очень классно,да и глаза меньше нагружаются и особенно ночью,не режет!!!
Bro thats extension is one of best and useful ever. For me, Dark Reader and AdBlock are the most needed. Hope somebody reserved a place for in heaven :3
Свою главную функцию выполняет отлично! Цвета не яркие и не тусклые, не испытываю проблем при чтении и наборе текста. Вообщем, лучшее что я нашел из тем для ВК.
This is hands down the best dark mode extension out there. Works flawlessly on like 95% of all sites by its default settings. Nothing’s perfect, but this one comes close!
Just added it…. Im impressed tht it actually works good on all the pages ive tried so far…! Cool….
Хорошее приложение, мне нравится, не так сильно устают глаза, всё сдержанно, в минимализме. Я доволен. Спасибо разработчикам!
love it ,,,but make it BLACK BLACK BLACK….why don’t any of you make it black - not nearly black but BLACK!
Worked great for a little bit, but now it doesn’t work anymore. I uninstalled and re-installed and now it works again. I guess I just need to do that anytime messenger is updated?